感謝MixCode Studio 的邀請,我們為第33屆金曲獎創作了《最佳演奏錄音專輯獎》入圍影片片頭。片頭的主要概念是以視覺方式描述音樂家如何從各種樂器中捕捉音樂元素,然後將它們轉化為生動的旋律。
Invited by MixCode Studio, we create the Best Instrumental Album Recording Nominees VCR Title for 33rd Golden Melody Awards. The main concept of this short title is to visually describe the process of how a musician captures musical elements from various instruments and then transforms them into a vivid melody.


Client:源活 YOUNG HOPE
Design Agency:MixCode Studio

Project Manger:陳宣如
Motion Design:許峻良 Jim Hsu

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