此次與白輻射影像合作,擔任華碩 E410 筆記型電腦廣告「Move With Style」的畫面美術設定。在已設定的腳本與概念的基礎上,將 E410 筆記型電腦外殼上獨特的圖像符號,轉化為生動的3D角色與場景。
In cooperation with WhiteLight Motion, I served as the visual art director for the Asus E410 laptop commercial "Move With Style." Based on the established script and concept, I transformed the unique graphic symbol on the E410 laptop case into vivid 3D characters and scenes.

|  CREDITS  | 

Creative & Design Agency:白輻射影像 WhiteLight Motion
Project Manager:林彥君 Janice Lin
Art Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
Key Visual Creative:孫非比 Phoebe Sun、石曦璇 Xi Shih
Key Visual Designer:石曦璇 Xi Shih、李世斌 Niel Lee
Promo Creative:孫非比 Phoebe Sun、鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng
Storyboard:鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng、林姿吟 Ziyin Lin、李世斌 Niel Lee
Styleframe & Lighting:許峻良 Jim Hsu  Modeling |  游家廳 Chiating Yu
Motion Designer:余添葆 Richard Yee、許峻良 Jim Hsu、郭盈孝 Ying Xiao
Compositor:余添葆 Richard Yee、洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
Sound Designer:彭郁哲HyperLung Studio

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